
Friday, September 28, 2012

Back to mail! Or, a return from the doldrums

A big part of me was missing the past few weeks when I was in the mail doldrums (i.e. I wasn't even reading my mail, let alone sending any!). To clarify perhaps from my last post -- it wasn't that I didn't WANT to read my mail, I just didn't have a large enough chunk of time to do it. And I like to sit down and do it properly, with my little routine and all. It took me a little longer than I thought, but I'm now all caught up on my mail reading, postcard registering, etc... all mail logged, read, and enjoyed.

Now I can get back to the business of sending mail again, too - and I just wrote my first letter in three weeks! (Ack.) It felt wonderful. I think I'll go write some more.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Mail doldrums

I have a confession to make, and I am doing it here with a goal in mind, in hopes of making that announced goal come true.


I haven't read my mail in two weeks. Letters and postcards from September 10 onward are sitting in a pile on my writing desk. I have a ritual with reading mail that involves logging my mail in my letter log. Each piece gets noted, along with received date, postmark date, the date written (if they included it), and where it came from. It is also a ritual of slowing down and taking uninterrupted time at my writing desk.

What with the start of school (since I have summers off and work really hard the rest of the year, I'll wager my longtime readers have figured out that I'm a teacher) and the Jewish High Holidays (L'Shana Tovah! Happy New Year!), things have been madness. The little time I've had, I've spent in quality time with my beloved.

I've also not written any mail in those same two weeks. I miss it terribly!


Today is the day to read my mail, and hopefully to write some, too!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Crazy Postcrossing: Have a Nice Day


I received this wonderful Postcrossing card from Ukraine yesterday, UA-288738. (Yes, it really did take 3 months to arrive!) Normally I don't post the backs of written cards - or at least, not too often - but this one is pretty spectacular.

If you want to read the lovely text, view this photo larger on Flickr. My favorite quote: "Materialize your imagination."

On another note, my apologies for again taking so long to post. My summer is over, I've gone back to work, life is crazy busy again... and I'm still dealing with health issues. I haven't had much time for mail, but I'm trying to devote as much time to it as I can... I'm off to write some letters and postcards now, but I wanted to reassure readers I'm still around, and will still aim for posting once or twice a week at least. I'm doing my best!