Monday, February 24, 2014

New postage rates for 2014

For my USA readers: postage rates changed on January 26, 2014. Yes, I am a month late announcing this news here on Ye Olde Blogge, but I hope this fabulous graphic makes it worth the wait. Thank you to Donovan of the Letter Writers Alliance for sharing this lovely image detailing the new rates, and for making it Creative Commons licensed so we can all share the love; you can see her full post here.

Here's the breakdown of the new rates, for sending letters and postcards:

  • Postcards within USA – 34 cents
  • Letters within USA (up to 1 oz.) – 49 cents*
  • Letters within USA (1-2 oz.) – 70 cents
  • Letters additional ounces – 21 cents
  • International letters and postcards – $1.15

    *Oddly enough, metered letters are 48 cents instead of 49 cents. But isn't a stamp prettier than that ugly meter label, and worth another penny?