There was a blizzard on Dec 31 here, so I didn't venture out to get my mail until Jan 1. I had a lovely New Year's surprise of TWO postcards from folks at! I was totally not expecting that deliciousness, and they were both great.
From Margaret:

Love the bats! LOVE the Gorey Unstrung Harp sticker!!
From Wackystuff:

Teenage catgirls in heat?!? Awesome! Also the owl is terrific.
So, I had to get some p'card responses out to the lovely senders right away, too.
To Margaret:

To Wackystuff:

I admit I'm not much of a postcard person, and I don't have a whole lot of cool postcards on hand (unlike all the letter-length stationery which infests the nooks and crannies of my household), but the Sendsomething thing has been full of so many pleasant surprises that I may need to stock up. I get the sense that most Sendsomething senders use postcards as their medium.
...and when I first posted this a few minutes ago, I posted images of the back of the postcard. Then I felt bad about that, in case the recipients saw it before it came in the mail - shouldn't that be a surprise? So I took those down. Hmmm.