Today was a VERY exciting day in my little Missive Maven world: I finally visited The Edward Gorey House! I took a little field trip to Cape Cod, Massachusetts - Yarmouth Port, to be precise - with my best beloved, and we spent a lovely time exploring the house and grounds, followed by a fabulous lunch at a cute teahouse nearby. I took 80 photos and absorbed ever so much about one of my all-time favorite artists. It did not disappoint - we loved the house so much that we decided we have to go back as soon as they have another exhibition. (I believe they change a few times every year.)

I took a whopping 80 photos, and I will soon be sorting through them and writing a FULL post all about this lovely visit. But I was so excited about the adventure that I just had to share it with my dear readers right away.
I cannot believe the days have flown by. How have I not posted since August 11?? I apologize for neglecting the blog, and if truth be told, neglecting my mail somewhat. My life has been filled with ups and downs the past few months - family drama and health issues combined with wonderful trips and joys like this - but at least I can say I have been living it to the fullest. Summer rhythms are about to cycle into the fall season, and that always brings changes... but I am still here, and very excited to share not only more Edward Gorey House photos with you (hopefully tomorrow), but MAIL-RELATED Edward Gorey House photos!
For now, though, it's time to go write a letter.