I promised I'd have new postcard designs coming soon: here they are!
I got the idea for the first design when I wanted to buy postcards with this phrase. I searched for it on etsy, and when I found only buttons and not stationery, I figured I'd just go ahead and design it myself.
The phrase "to get a letter, send a letter" predates my generation by many years, but it is a great motivator for anyone who wants to receive more mail. If you want it coming in, send it out! I have seen this on vintage labels as far back as the 1950s. The slogan on this postcard is slightly modified to match the vintage graphic of writing hands; it reads "to get a letter, write a letter." I hope it motivates some letter writing and postcard sending!
"To Get a Letter... Write a letter" postcards in my etsy shop

For the second design, I have faithful blog reader (and etsy customer!) Joe Chapman to thank. He suggested this pithy phrase in a comment after I debuted my Snail mail: not dead yet postcards.
So... in response to all those who have fallen into the habit of emailing thank-you notes, or corresponding via email instead of proper snail mail, this postcard thumbs its nose!
The postcard reads "E-mail: when you care enough to send the very least" set inside an ornate baroque frame, with the email "@" symbol highlighted in the internal frame.
"Email: when you care enough to send the very least" postcards in my etsy shop

I've updated my listing for postcard combination packs so you can now order any combination of my four designs, too.
I'd love to hear what you think of the 2 new designs!
I had no idea when I started this blog two years ago that I'd step into designing postcards, and have so much fun with it! I fear I have created my own monster...