Ms. Goodnight Little Spoon writes such incredible letters. I am spoiled. (Alas, less spoiled than I could be because I fear her latest mail-art marvel sent to me has never arrived, the second piece of blogged-about mail in the past month that I have seen online but not received, argh.) But to focus on the positive of this loveliness - WOW! What a decorated envelope! I love how the q substitutes for an a.

All kinds of goodness on the back, but of course my very favorite is the gonzo sticker.

These items came from her trip to Tasmania. The vintage postcard is truly lovely, but I confess I've never in my life seen a cooler sticker than this little Tasmanian Devil! Clearly her submissions have won both the coolest postcard AND the coolest sticker awards, all for the little Tasmanian Devil grooviness.

I can't even decide how I will ever use this fantastic sticker, so right now he just lives in the side of my clear stamp drawer storage unit, so I can see him looking out at me from the clear plastic. I often look at him when I'm writing letters and he makes me smirk.
Mail joy!!