Here's another dandy offering from one of my witty UK typing mail artists. (Have a look at another one of his fine recent offerings here.) This letter included some fantastic aerogrammes which I've yet to photograph, but I am sure I shall do so someday...
So check out this fabulous handmade envelope with the little vintage camper/transportation theme. Tres mid-century kitsch, right up my alley. And why am I so gaga over pointing hands? What is it about them that makes them so essentially awesome in mail art? The stamps are also fabulous, of course - more James Bond, a little old car, and a fairy from the mythical creatures Royal Mail set.

Here we have the back of the envelope, plus the inner envelope held within. And lo - another pointing hand!

The piece de resistence is this "Don't be skinny" rubber stamp. Wow. I am in awe. I dig the way he specified my location, too.