Thanks to everyone who has expressed wishes of safety and concern with the approach of Hurricane Irene. A few of you know, but most of you don't, that I used to live in Florida, and we had an awful lot of hurricanes down there in the 3 years I lived there. Our house flooded in Hurricane Wilma in 2005, a category 5 direct hit, and we were inside the house while it happened. It was a terrifying experience just 2 months after Hurricane Katrina did so much damage elsewhere, but I digress.
I've been through a fair number of hurricanes. It's hard to get too worried about a category 1, though I grant you things aren't built quite as hurricane-proof in Rhode Island as they are in Florida. I do live a quarter of a mile from the coastline now, but up high on a hill, and we have our fingers crossed and hope for the best. My superstitious side won't allow me to say "it probably won't be that bad," but optimism is good.
But anyhoo, apologies for a non-letter-writing post, but I've been getting so many emails and comments that I thought I'd better just send the word out that we're fine, we're not evacuating our little island, and maybe send your concern to NC and NYC and all the other areas that look like they may be hit harder.

We just took our usual neighborhood walk, but I took my camera along this time. The waves are starting! I can't believe how many people were surfing. See that tiny little dot in the photo? That's a surfer WAY out. (The beach is behind him.)

More photos of the ocean by our house in my Hurricane Irene Flickr set.
Stay safe this weekend, everyone, wherever you are!