Joseph Cornell, American, 1903-1972
A Pantry Ballet (for Jacques Offenbach), 1942
From my foray to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City came a few fine postcards, and this one is my favorite. I've been haunting the Nelson since I was a wee lassie, and this piece has always been one of my very favorite works in the museum since I was but a tiny thing. What kid wouldn't love it??
More info on the artwork here.
Superfun, view large
I sent it from Kansas City to a dear correspondent who always sends me wonderful postcards (and letters, too!). (And, because she is more up to date with her blog, she managed to blog about it before I did!)
And, even though it doesn't have much to do with letter-writing (though one could say that art inspires letters, and I certainly got some great postcards there), I leave you with a photo of the lovely Nelson, just because I love it so, and I'm kinda proud of this photo I took.