I'm not sure how I learned about this stationery, but I found out about it before the release date and was actually eagerly anticipating its availability. Presenting Unicorn Wishes! from Chronicle Books. Unicorns + rainbows = nostalgic kitsch & happyland for me.
I confess: I did succumb to the unicorn craze when I was a little girl. I loved 'em. I still kind of get a giggle from them. (If you want a SERIOUS giggle, check out the super-kitschy Cornify.com, "the #1 unicorn and rainbow service." Go ahead - you know you want to.)

Only the little mushroom sticker on the back of the envelope came with the set; the sparkly hearts and combo unicorn/rainbow pegasus (wtf?) came from my own private collection. I think they add a whole new level of cornification here.

Again the Chronicle Books website rather fails us, because you only get to see the back of ONE of the lovely stationery sheets (shown on the Unicorn Wishes! page here). I should photograph this in more depth soon - it is full of splendid wonders. Who knows - maybe YOU'LL get a unicorn wish in your mailbox.