This lovely decorated air-mail-esque envelope came to me bearing a letter and even gifts:

...the best ink blotters ever! I am indeed smeary, dearie, and these made such a lovely little surprise gift with this letter. Instead of putting them on a rocker blotter, I just lay them over the top few lines of my letter as I write. (I am right-handed, but an overwriter, so I smudge almost just like a lefty.)
I love how the two halves together form a heart, and the text is quite witty. I think you can read it if you view large. (Hey, does anyone ever have trouble viewing links to my photos or viewing large? I know some people can, but someone else mentioned in a letter that they couldn't do it. Let me know if this isn't working.)

The deco tape on the back of the envelope rocked, with phrases like "Sending you my joy," "EXPRESS: to those who struggle with time," and "A gift full of dreams coming straight to your door."