One correspondent was asking about what fountain pen nib size to choose, so I gave her a showing of a few of my various sizes. I was going off on a bit of a tangent about how much thinner a Japanese fine is than a western fine, so you'll see that in my writing. I was trying to showcase my finest and extra-fine nibs, so all of my very finest (fine being a measurement of line width, that is) will be in these shots.
Inks shown above:
Noodler's Lexington Gray, Private Reserve Blue Suede, Caran d'Ache Storm, Noodler's Tiananmen, Noodler's Forest Green, Noodler's Legal Lapis, Pilot Black.
To get a better idea of the colors, best viewed large.

Inks in second shot:
Private Reserve Midnight Blues, PR Ebony Blue, Noodler's Squeteague, Noodler's La Coleur Royale, PR Ebony Green
Again, best viewed large.
These writing samples are on Clairefontaine Triomphe paper.